Sunday, August 21, 2011

In Memoriam

My smart, funny best friend of 20 years has left me for a little while.  He departed this life at about 5 PM today.  Rest in peace, Craig.  I'll see you soon my Sweet Bear.

Carrying On

Chaplain Patrick from Lutheran Senior Services Hospice suggested that I continue the blog in the same spirit as Craig has been blogging.  The problem I have with that is that Craig is the idea guy.  He has all the topics he wants to write about.  At the moment, he's engaged in other activities and isn't sharing his ideas with me. 

I can tell you that he is resting comfortably here at home.  There are no beeping machines or bright lights.  Well, the oxygen concentrator is a little noisy, but we've both grown pretty used to it.  He's in the living room at the moment, and the Rams game from 8/20 that he had set to record is playing.  Later, he and I will watch the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie together as we had planned.  And there is a lot more preseason football on the recorder.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


From Diana again:

I'm sorry to say that it is highly unlikely that Craig will be blogging again. He has taken a turn for the worse and seems to be going downhill pretty rapidly. In addition, he has been unable to get his email due to a password problem, so he hasn't been able to get any emails people may have sent. You can post replies here and I can get them and pass them along, or, if you have my email address, you can email me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Still Here

I don't have much to say today except that I'm still here. Just want everyone to know I'm here. Got a couple of things to do, so I'll sign off and do them. Sorry to be so brief and not to be posting a photo.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Still Here

Another quick post from Diana:
Craig did not post to his blog today because he had a very busy day. We had lots of visitors and once they all left, we went to the Apple store at the Galleria so that Craig could get a new Macbook Air. We hope this will solve the problem of his having to go up and down the stairs to his office. As you might imagine, he's pretty tired after all of that, but hopefully, he will have a restful night and be back to blogging tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NFL: Part 1

The post for today was a little depressing. I'm going to write a little about NFL Preseason Football.

First of all I have to mention Steve Spagnuolo. I think he will be a great coach. Another thing to like about him is that people who stay true to their regional dialects also stay true to the people they're with. A Good thing.

The Rams won the Preseason Opener against the Indianapolis Colts. Maybe not the greatest achievement because Peyton Manning sat on the bench with neck problems. But they won and Sam Bradford looked terrific!

There were rule changes this year. For one thing the players kick off from the 35-yard line. Every kickoff goes into the end zone. Dumb.

For another, every play is reviewed. More penalties that way. Don't know why they did that.

Oh, well. It's Preseason. I have no control over the game. Sit. back, relax, and enjoy the the game.


As we prepared for bed I got very chilled. I put the white sweatshirt on over the usual night shirt. Still cold. I put on the black sweat pants. Got into bed sweating like crazy.

It's possible that Diana got up once or twice in the night to remark that I was sweating. I was comfortable and stayed that way until we got out of bed at the usual time, 

I feel normal now.